Let’s Heal Together

A Small, Intimate Group Coaching Experience

You don’t need to work through your loss alone. Together, we will create a safe space where we can share our losses, better understand our own full-body grief experience, learn from each other, and gather authentic support.

The Details

Specialty Support Groups for each cycle

A Small, Intimate Group of
10 people or Less

We will meet for a total of
6 Weeks

hey, I’m Gina

I’ve been a licensed therapist for the past 20 years. Some of my work in trauma has taken me internationally, but I have always been living & practicing in New York City—a city I love.  

In my work, I specialize in grief, trauma, and helping people to navigate challenging life transitions. I also worked for years with addictions of all kinds. I have certifications and training in each of these areas because I believe in always being up to date on the best practices! Also, I believe strongly in being trained for what we treat. 

What I think so many people don’t realize when they are looking into therapy for a specific presenting problem, is how the past has been sprinkled with bits of trauma &  grief & how that can deeply affect your present life without you really understanding how at times. Grief is everywhere…

Uncovering and understanding this can bring about profound freedom—I personally love watching my clients begin to feel more whole and find more meaning in their lives. 

Every day, I have been thankful for the trust and faith people put in our work together. I am so fortunate to be a traveling companion on the most important inner journey some will ever take.

My most important project is my book that speaks to the modern griever. It’s called: Moving On Doesn’t Mean Letting Go and it’s with GCP Balance, an imprint of Hachette US. 

Do you want to join us?

Are you looking for a larger group option that integrates with my book, Moving On Doesn’t Mean Letting Go?